Friday 18 July 2008


Hey again,

I'm going to talk about football for a blog.
  • Is it me or is the whole Ronaldo staying at United or going to Madrid situation just getting really boring i honestly now don't care what he does, why every summer we have to spend it talking and hearing stuff about Ronaldo is beyond me (its almost as bad as the Ashley Cole Arsenal Chelsea rubbish which went on for two summers.
  • Why are so many teams interest in Adebayor, his only had one good season and misses a hell of a lot of chances, i bet Arsenal will be laughing of anyone pays 30 million for him. But then again its about time Arsenal sold players for more than there worth. Still don't understand Henry was sold for just 16.1 million when the season before Barcelona were planning to make him the most expensive transfer ever, Also Viera was rated at 30 million then a season later he was sold for 13.

Anywho peace out.

1 comment:

  1. " Why are so many teams interest in Adebayor, his only had one good season and misses a hell of a lot of chances, i bet Arsenal will be laughing of anyone pays 30 million for him."

    Simple answer is he's tall, strong, great athletism, has an eye for goal, + he can do what other strikers of his type can't do which is hold the ball up, which imo makes him worth same pirce as Drogba (who is priceless), you correct going rate is high, but they are so little of theese players in world football, the demand is high, + has 5 yeears left in his contract so.... adds value.

    "But then again its about time Arsenal sold players for more than there worth. Still don't understand Henry was sold for just 16.1 million when the season before Barcelona were planning to make him the most expensive transfer ever"

    Henry never wanted to leave the year before + arsenal didn't wanna sell, but the year after Cl defeat he wanted to leave , so arsenal wanted to sell, so the deal work out best for all three companies at 16 million..

    It's like the Ronaldinho deal... Man city offer more money to barce and Ronaldinho, but barce don't accept why? It doesn't look good on paper, for barce, with milan the deal looks better even if less money, increases trade between the two looks better in the paper.

    I think... ye!
