Thursday 31 July 2008

Sea Piracy! Argh?

Big News, it would seem that Russia's "top arms producer", a company named Bazalt has decided that the only way to deal with Ye Olde Sea Piracy is to fit anti-Piratey boats with MULTI-BARREL GRENADE LAUNCHERS! What are the chances of a company that produces these weapons, endorsing them too? Ahead of the curve.

I'm thinking the Bazalt MRG-1 would be sufficient and more affordable, but you can't discount the DP-65 with its remote controlness.

More on News in Russia Soon.

Laters Leningrad Lovers

Sourced from those good folks at

Tuesday 29 July 2008

A Great Sunday Drive

We were all set, the perfect English Sunday afternoon. We had the folding chairs out, a couple of oranges for light refreshment, blue skies with a wisp of cloud here and there. We had pulled up to the village green and set up our seats up in the gantry. We had a great view over the goal posts to see the action. Shaun had just been sent out batting at number 4. Two of Islip's finest had already been sent packing with their tales between their legs and Mr Curtis, Captain Wonder, was now having to step up to the plate, and boy did he help himself to a man sized portion of the Titchmarsh Cavaliers' bowlers. As we were joined by a Curtis fan, Oliver, from down the road Shaun really started to turn on the style. It didn’t matter who was bowling or what was being bowled he was turning everything down his leg side. He then started playing the ball all round the ground BOSH another 4. Pace spin didn’t matter to him he saw the ball as big as a melon. At his first drinks break Shaun was on about 20 and looking very good for it. The sun was toasting his skin and sweat literally streaming off his face but he looked like a man possessed. I took this opportunity to get a few words from the every growing fan base. Alex noted "Shaun is playing really well, I though he could only play down the leg side but he is showing us all of his shots today". "He is now showing that raw potential that made people stand up and take notice as a youth" Oliver added. After drinks I received a phone call from a friend of mine, he had heard about the show Shaun was giving the soon to be record breaking crowd and wanted a piece of the action. As Stuart arrived he noted "Shaun looks a demi god out there". As the now record crowd watched with a growing excitement as Shaun edged ever nearer his first ever 50 a well warranted drinks were called. He was told he was on 49 only one shy. Anticipation could be cut with a knife, well to be honest even the bluntest of sporks would have cut this will Shaun make his magic half century. In his mind all he was thinking was, I'm going to do this the classy way and spank the ball over to the crowd who had all moved square of the wicket but on Shaun's on side. The bowler who was running on his very last reserves put up what Stuart would only call a grenade and Shaun saw his chance. A mighty swing towards the record crowd and then it happened, he had been out done by a crafty grenade. But don't worry this tale does not end badly. On the way back to the pavilion the scorers counted up again and Shaun had already got his half century. The day was complete. The crowd cheered clapped and congratulated the hero of the day even after all the anticlimax. The crowd soon dispersed and Islip against all odds went on to lose the match but in our eyes Shaun is the real winner.

Look after yourselves

Sunday 27 July 2008

Simon Price Pizza Related Dreams Come True?

Finally some one has decided to take Simon's tactic of cutting pizza with scissors and turn it into a perfectly viable kitchen utensil

Source : Gizmodo

Thursday 24 July 2008

My Tribute To Dinosaurs

What a great show...remake remake remake

Wednesday 23 July 2008

Red Wine!

Who puts red wine in the fridge?

I'll answer this for you its David aka Pebble.
He went away to get some drink and re-appeared with some red wine, all fine till i touched the bottle and realised it was ice cold.


Saturday 19 July 2008

The Real Andy?

Which Ones The Real Andy?

Friday 18 July 2008


Hey again,

I'm going to talk about football for a blog.
  • Is it me or is the whole Ronaldo staying at United or going to Madrid situation just getting really boring i honestly now don't care what he does, why every summer we have to spend it talking and hearing stuff about Ronaldo is beyond me (its almost as bad as the Ashley Cole Arsenal Chelsea rubbish which went on for two summers.
  • Why are so many teams interest in Adebayor, his only had one good season and misses a hell of a lot of chances, i bet Arsenal will be laughing of anyone pays 30 million for him. But then again its about time Arsenal sold players for more than there worth. Still don't understand Henry was sold for just 16.1 million when the season before Barcelona were planning to make him the most expensive transfer ever, Also Viera was rated at 30 million then a season later he was sold for 13.

Anywho peace out.


Hi all,

I got bored with a pair of plain dark blue jeans so i decided I'd customise them.

Here are some picture's -

I would love feed back on them, as i'm trying to kid myself I'd make it in the fashion industry.

Does anyone think they are to plain down one side?

I also made a bracelet out of rope, no pictures of these though.

Peace Out.

Happy Crash Day

Happy Crash Day Every One

What the Mr.T n' cookies

Ookey Dookey

This is it.

The start of the Revolution.

Several important incidents occurred today:
1-The finale of Up N' Under
2-The hilarious A-Team joke in the episode "Moving Targets'
3-I can't find a good cookie recipe
4-Magnets and Tattoos

1- So The Wheatsheaf are down by one point against The Cobbler's, they just scored a Rugby Touchdown, 10-15 seconds left, and what happens, on the conversion the ball hits the crossbar. The Cobbler's players and 'staff' celebrate thinking victory has been secured-BUT!-infact time has slowed down, slow motion hmmm, the ref is moving his whistle slowly towards his mouth, The Wheatsheaf capitano realises there is still a chance-he grabs the ball and runs towards the End Zone, the ref is still moving his whistle in slow motion towards his mouth, the captain dives over and through The Cobbler's players, the line so close, so so close, the whistle closer, moving closer, the ball down TOUCHDOWN! Yeah TOUCHDOWN TOUCHDOWN! Its a pretty nicely done film, perhaps its time to make a Football version called Over N' In?

2- Knock Knock
     Who's there?
     We are, fool!j

3-I'm thinking a tasty oat cookie, they go really well with a tasty cup o' tea. 

4-The problem with magnets is, they command a force you cannot see. How can you judge what you cannot see-how? what do magnets do? what would happen if you filled your microwave with magnets, turned up the power and SHAZAM? I'm going to design a tattoo, does anyone know where to start?

Stay centred people